What is Exit rate

Exit rate is a metric used in web analytics to measure the percentage of visitors who exit a website from a specific page or set of pages. Unlike bounce rate, which measures the percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page, exit rate focuses on the last page a visitor views before leaving the site. Here are some key points to understand about exit rate:
1. Definition: Exit rate is calculated by dividing the number of exits from a specific page by the total number of visits to that page. It indicates the percentage of visitors who choose to leave the website after viewing that particular page.
2. Last Interaction: Exit rate specifically measures the last interaction a visitor has with the website. It can help identify pages or areas of the site where visitors are more likely to abandon their session.
3. Page-Level Analysis: Exit rate is typically analyzed on a page-by-page basis. It allows businesses to identify which pages have a higher likelihood of driving visitors away and may require optimization.
4. User Flow Insights: By analyzing exit rates across multiple pages, businesses can gain insights into the user flow and identify patterns or issues that may be causing visitors to leave the site. This information can be used to improve navigation, user experience, or content strategy.
5. Goal Tracking: Exit rate can be used to assess the performance of specific goals or conversion actions on a website. By tracking the exit rate on pages leading to a conversion or specific action, businesses can identify potential bottlenecks in the conversion funnel.
6. Comparison and Benchmarking: Exit rate can be compared across different pages or sections of a website to identify pages with unusually high exit rates. Benchmarking exit rates against industry standards or competitor websites can provide additional context and insights.
7. Interpretation: It’s important to interpret exit rate in conjunction with other metrics and the context of the website’s goals. A high exit rate on certain pages, such as a checkout or confirmation page, may be expected and not necessarily indicate a problem.
Exit rate is a valuable metric for understanding visitor behavior and identifying areas for improvement on a website. By analyzing exit rates and taking appropriate actions, businesses can optimize user experience, reduce abandonment, and increase conversions on their website.